Just Separate the Person from the Drugs
It sounds so easy doesn't it? Just separate the person from the problem (alcohol or other drugs) and everything will be OK. Well actually...
Drug and Alcohol Misuse - "Just Fix It Please"
Family members who seek help for alcohol or other drug problems just want the problem fixed and fixed quickly. But the problem with these...
Prisons: Where There's a Will There's a Way
I was so inspired recently when I saw what the Netherlands are doing to close their prisons due to lack of prisoners! Check out the...
Alcohol and Drugs are all Consuming...If We Let Them Be
There is no doubt that alcohol and other drugs can become all consuming for the person dependent on these substances. But what is worth...
Participation in Mental Health Services: The Forgotten Bit
In the literature and in government documents 'participation in mental health services' refers to participation in one's own care and...
Locking Up the Mentally Ill and Drug Affected
"The degree of civilisation in a society can be judged by entering its prisons" (Dostoevsky). Dostoevsky had it right! Our prisons are...
The Ups and Downs of Recovery
It's always a relief when people understand that there are up and downs in recovery. And I mean recovery from mental health, alcohol or...
My Sister Has a Mental Illness
Not many people know that my sister has a mental illness. Well actually, more people may know than I want to think about because...
Family Vs Professional Expertise
Family members have years of experience caring for someone living with a mental health, alcohol or other drug problem. And yet when...
Family Drug Support is Available!
I recently attended a training course on "Family Inclusive Practice" and was encouraged to hear speakers talk about a growing awareness...