Professional supervision provides a confidential, safe space for health professionals to strengthen and grow practice skills, gain support and problem solve about clinical, team or career matters. Supervision is also about quarantined time to reflect on practice, gain support, discuss career planning and establish a professional development plan.
Supervision is a self-care strategy for health professionals and the consumers and carer workforce employed in complex, busy practice settings. Supervision is about You for You.
Drawing upon the Schwartz Centre for Compassionate Care in Healthcare practice areas include:
. Mental health, alcohol and other drugs
. Family, domestic and sexual abuse
. Corrections - prisons or community
. Trauma (incl. adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and their families)
. Gender and identity
. Relationships
. Homelessness and Housing
Services are available for:
. Individuals, groups, organisations
Health professionals and the Consumer and Carer Workforce are encouraged to access supervision which is provided face to face, by Zoom or phone.
Ask about Supervision services